

The origin of the word courage is to speak ones mind by telling all of ones heart .


This was written by Karan Wadhwani without the use of AI

So, here goes.

I have wanted to share with the world for a long time, in pursuit of contributing to a bigger purpose and increasing connection with others. I have come to the understanding that in being more vulnerable I can become part of something bigger and better. Here, I share my heart with you.

For those who know me well, I have been wanting to start a business and write a blog for almost 3 years now. It first began with my interest in creating a cooking show/ recipe blog; as my passion for culinary and good food was evident to those around me.

Soon the desire to share my culinary skills drifted to my pursuit for others to share about themselves. Last year on April 15th, I hosted an event called ‘the speaking house’ this was one of my proudest moments. The event was focused on empowerment, the theme was embracing fear. The idea for this event came through my want to share my experience of stuttering and how I have been overcoming a stutter by not letting challenges or struggles hold me back from attaining success.

The greatest gift I have learned is that like me, we must have the ability to embrace fear, by not letting fear hold us back, and being vulnerable to certain situations is probably the best thing we can do. In doing so we foster greater strength for our intuition. I am still learning how to follow my purpose and lead with my heart, and wholeheartedly embracing courage in everyday life. I want to encourage all of you to do the same. I look forward to sharing more with you. Below are a few excerpts of some articles I have been working on over the past year.

I encourage feedback. I will be writing more blogs, working on V-logs and making mini motivational speeches. I am ready to get back on track with the goal to host virtual speaking houses. Over the last year, I have learned that it was hard for me to keep motivated. I still love what I do, so I am back to tell you a secret. I don’t have it figured out, but what I do know is I am taking action. Read more and follow me on Instagram or explore my website here at