HOW and WHY do we end up where we do?


Don't try and solve the puzzle!

The was written by Karan Wadhwani without the use of AI

Don't try and solve the puzzle!

I recommend writing a journal - journals are key (literally, they are the key to unlock your potential). Think about it, from writing down goals to literature, to dreams,they can help you immensely because they help you backtrack the past; what you wrote 1, 3, or 5 years ago can be very surprising to you when you re-read it. Sometimes, you have already achieved and surpassed what you wrote; other times, it is a reflection that more journaling is required. I can’t tell you the number of journals I hold, the ones which are complete, half full or still awaiting words. Note: keep all your journals and re-read them periodically. How did we end up here? We often think that where we are in life is an amalgamation of our decisions; this, too, can be a fallacy. The bottom line is that we create meaning out of everything. These are just the guiding principles that allow you to do that! Mind your information and only intake the good and, again, question everything! Personal advice I have learned along the way: This advice will always be around All you need in life is good friends, good people and a good family. Actor and Stand-up Comic Advice: Adam Sandler is a testimony to this; for all the films he has made, I have always been a big fan since childhood, especially “big daddy”. In all the films he has produced, he has always included his best friends, and even with the most significant critics, his films are mostly a success!