Let’s have some big talk


Let's have some big talk!

This was written by Karan Wadhwani without the use of AI

Let’s have some big talk. Be passionate about what you do – this will bring you happiness. I’m not talking about fame and fortune I am talking about when you are in the act of having fun; when you are literally rocking out - that is where your happiness lies, and that is why they say when you find a job you love, you never work a day in your life. Sometimes, you will realize that happiness has been there the whole time. What do you want in life? What are your goals, dreams and ambitions? Is it better to live a simple life, enjoy your daily work regardless, find the moment of positivity, or believe that you can do whatever you want? Which life is more straightforward, and or meaningful? This is not for me to answer or judge but for you to contemplate. So consider both the simple life journey and the journey you take to achieve your success (defined by you) and in doing so, what will you contribute to society? Remember, what makes a meaningful life to one might not be meaningful to the other. But if it comes from within, from a place of good, drive and determination, we see what is capable. One essential quality to learn in life is compassion: this is the highest regard, I would say; it’s the ability to treat people the same; some of the best CEOs in the world have this natural affinity, the Jack Welch’s’ (when you can speak to the caretaker the same way you would talk to the manager). This is when you learn about people; you learn the humble things of life; you learn people's stories, perhaps of the individual (new immigrant in her 40’s who is busting tables to make ends meet because they have no family) or, someone whose father may be critically ill and therefore they choose to care and live with their dad for life. These are the biggest qualities and characteristics of life. Searching: I’ve spent a lot of time soul-searching, and as you read these words, you may be doing the same. If I can pass on some advice, just relating to people's professions: I think this is the most crucial aspect of life:, in the end, the happiness comes from your daily life, the little things that make your day enjoyable and easy. But I want to stress occupation for a minute because it is what we spend most of our living time doing - it's what we spend our working hours; it is where our energy goes. Knowing yourself: use meditation, arts, and sports to find your passion; you can focus on intelligence, and you can read all the articles on neuroplasticity and the brain. We are always with ourselves, so we just have to know ourselves. Do this quickly because if you can use your intelligence to know yourself early on, know yourself as fast as you can, and if you know where you want to go early on, you will succeed quickly. Don’t tell others to influence that ability. Develop patience and compassion for both yourself and others. Be careful in how you design yourself to become more compassionate. Monitor your economic and political systems and/or cultural beliefs to how they shape and/or influence you.Now, with technology,biotech and tech systems, be careful not to intake too much information;make sure you question where the information is coming from and what perspectives might be missing or not being said. **Fiction v. Reality- ** What is the fictitious of the mind, compared to the realities that are actually happening to you right now? Meditate- and don’t get attracted to false thoughts (always be grateful and keep it positive, don’t take things or people for granted) What about materialism? Growing your wealth and attaining materialism for yourself is not bad. Do you want the big house, the nice cars, the family, and the ability to travel? Many people pursue the careers that make for a simple life - the safe routes that still lead you to success; so know who you are and what you want. Either life is not bad; life is what you make of it so just focus on that. If you’re creative, make sure to create! (in whatever way you see possible and fit) . Don’t lose yourself in the process- this is where I fell short for many years, numbing the pain. I believe we all have an innate desire and purpose on this earth, and for many of us, when we stop pursuing this gift is when we lose ourselves. In my experience, I held back the speaking, singing and expression for so many years (self-pity), which is why you see it in my written work. For me, it’s fun. It’smy medium of expression. It is what keeps me alive! It is where I feel most alive - don’t get me wrong - it’s not always easy, but it’s like a performance, a sport and a showcase- and I’ve gotten good at it, surprising myself that I am en route to writing this book! The other mediums I enjoy are engagement, interviewing, hosting and connecting with others. This is a big part I live for; I will say there is something magical about being on stage and performing for others. So when people say to focus on what makes you happy, they are not wrong; soul-search early and find what it is! Do that, keep doing it, refine it, become better and better, and you shall succeed. A model I like to live by is: day by day, I’m on my way. Success and luxury is not bad to attain at all, as a child we were in a financial situation, being able to employ the many luxuries needs that one would seem as unfit or not fair in a western world, but you see this all the time, its just that in North American countries, this is know as “sponsoring a foreign nanny, or worker” ( so long as you cannot find the required help from the citizens of Canada) So what is the biggest determent? It can be not knowing what you want in life and don’t get me wrong: this can be hard to attain when you have many things going on, or many influences. Don’t look at the big picture too much; look at the little steps you have to achieve that success.. You might want the land, the house, the family, the business or much more. Or maybe you want to write a book- well with that one, it's easy. Keep the momentum going, pump out the objectives (the small sentences, then pages, and keep going, a little writing goes a longways). Such as these 36 articles I am writing! How do you achieve the big goal: Break down the big goal (dream) into small obtainable things every day, and trust me, in a few years, you will be there! **Ie,… the components of writing a book 1] Decide what type of book you want to write 2] List your objective of what you will write about
3]Write daily, even if it is just 50 words 4]Put in small steps for editing, publication, producing and sharing your work (put it on medium- generate revenue) 5]Go to a publisher, plan for marketing, production and there you have your book!