Let’s talk Money


So how much money do you need to be happy, and why trying to get rich is so tiring?

This was written by Karan Wadhwani without the use of AI

Let’s talk Money 2020-08-01

So, how much money do you need to be happy, and why is trying to get rich so tiring?

So how much money do you need to be satisfied, and why is trying to get rich so tiring? A few years ago, Seattle-based company Zappos said the comfortable amount was 70K USD a few years ago (when they changed all their salaries to this amount). In 2020, a recent article stated that it is now over 130K CDN. With the recent property inflation in both Washington and BC, we see that costs are continuously rising, and people are constantly consuming (however, we are transitioning to more consumption of experiences). What is the new generation to do with property rising and home ownership so much more complex to attain? Will we rent forever (some suggest this is a good idea), or will we move back into ‘intergenerational homes’? Consider this: the avg one bedroom in Victoria is 1,600 a month and the average in Seattle is $1400. When it comes down to the tee, it’s all mathematics, and when it boils down to it, what you earn determines your company, location, relationships and the value you hold in society, your status! As Wu-tang would say, CREAM get the Money- Cash Rules Everything Around Me! Quote to live by: ‘Working hard will make you maintain and sustain into old age.’ So a 50K job today as a dependent will take a lot of work. And that’s why many of us today have side hustles. You know, the other three jobs and/or potential sources of income - keyword potential - but as you know, having a lot of things on the go can often be a distraction and tough to manage. Still, it truly comes down to the individual's abilities and their mindset in this journey. If you enjoy what you are doing, I highly encourage it, and once you get so good at it, you’ll find you can achieve so much more in less time. So what are my three extras? It is writing (whoiskaran.com), speaking, business collaboration app (Instagram.com/Gnesri.Canada) and educating. But back to the topic at hand -the money -so when we invest in ourselves, further education usually results in a higher income. And therefore, leading to a higher status, but my question here is whether that truly brings us the overall wealth of (money, safety, satisfaction, happiness and security). This added wealth bring us security through monetary value, no doubt- and if you want success, you will work hard to achieve it and find ways to eliminate and reduce economic spending and increase saving. The problem arises when one of these needs are not met the Japanese call this achieving Ikigai. As an independent, a few of my needs were lacking at the same time, which caused some demise, envy and negativity, but this is not how to address these challenges. Plus, the burdens of acute financial stress can be debilitating (seriously, to your health) – therefore, I am putting this into the limelight and saying I think this is where a lot of the issues stem from today. We are bombarded with a society that is not functioning as it should. The protection of money around you brings you only a piece of satisfaction. Don’t get me wrong, a 50k - 70k salary is doable in many parts of the world, but many other factors are usually involved. So let's start at the beginning. I had a 10%chance of living at birth, so I have to create and achieve the other 90%while I am here on earth; I am writing these tales for you; this is the legacy, and these are the stories to be shared. We may have met at some point, and that is why you have purchased this book (or are reading this article), or maybe you are interested in these topics, my SEO just worked really well! And what about the income disparity in the country? I recently heard Canada is the #3 nation worldwide for having the most significant income disparity, behind China and the USA, respectively. I also want you to consider the question of the income differences between men and women in their relationship. Does money matter? Is there symmetry in the relationship in terms of power? A lot of men don’t care how much money women make. However, the complete opposite occurs for women, who often care immensely about a man’s salary. And this is very normal; need security and safety, so that is just human nature. I want to spend 3 minutes talking about dreams, perceptions and passions. These are big topics; often relate to one’s life in terms of an individual’s commitment and contribution to achieving success and their contributions to society, enhancing their meaning and role in society. So what are these big dreams? They can often be the very safe route or the complete opposite. The safe routes are the ones where you can contribute in a genuinely good way to society; thedreams often include becoming a lawyer, doctor, and or engineer. These are usually the safe routes and can assure you good pay, you are also liable and held responsible and accountable for others and their actions. So what about the creative people? - The non-safe routes - the routes that equally take as much dedication to craft? What about the actors, actresses, artists, and authors? What do these people share? Well, share their own experiences. Evidently,, they share themselves. So, in short, follow your dream, whatever that might be, don’t sell your soul; know that if you do, you will reap what you sow, and so follow your heart and always stand your ground; take control of your mind and focus on the good ahead. Lastly, Invest in yourself, and put in the action and the work. You don’t have to follow the money - it will come if you want the success bad enough - mind you it wont be easy, but life would not be worth it if it was easy (what would be the point?) It is important to keep going - even if sometimes it feels like you’re at the biggest downfalls in the hardest of times. Take this as a challenge to do better - this is critical; this is when you shouldn’t stop believing and have to keep going; your second stride or the break under your wings will happen - sort of like the saying: trust the process, enjoy life's journey, and change your mind so that you know you can succeed in whatever you aim to do!) Once you realize this, you will achieve success faster than ever! Till next time - KW