Love Identity
love identity
This was written by Karan Wadhwani without the use of AI
For all us emotional fools out there :p
This one is on love, the emotion that sells it all but also does wonders, here is a little on how it works and don't forget it's actually the power house of it all, as soon as you come from a place of love people can see it, they can feel it, they can get absored in it, so always embrace it, heres a little on how to build your identity with love.
Learn emotional control of love:
They say love is identification of the beloved, meaning attaching to someone or something in a certain way, creates more and more identities for that thing or person. This can be a discribed as a, 'like' such as identifying in same profession as you, same culture as you, speak the same language as you, from the same city as you, lived in the same place as you, and so on, and as you do identify the more you identify, the bond is created. Therefore the opposite works too, the more you say 'dislike' the less you identify and the less a bond is formed
The more you identify the more you can increase the love in your heart! So if your looking and wondering how you can love all, identify more with everyone, love is identification, and that is the way to increase it, also the way to decrease it by unidentifying from it, so beware, remain neutral, do not like or dislike and fill the heart with love.