Metaverse 2.0 benefits


1-minute read on future of Meta

This was written by Karan Wadhwani without the use of AI

Think about it, the digital space eliminates discrimination that some may often face in real life, such as race, religion, power, sex and creed.

This is all going away, we see a more equitable space on the internet. Today anyone with a mobile can express, they can broadcast, they can view and share the world that they live in with others.

Think about it: the digital space eliminates discrimination that some may often face in real life, such as race, religion, power, sex and creed. All these negativities are slowly fading; we see a more equitable space on the internet. Today, anyone with a mobile can express, broadcast, view and share the world that they live in with others.

Meta moves us one step further.

It allows people to take away the images and labels and gives them a new chance to enter a new world without past perceptions of who they were. This can benefit those facing physical and mental disabilities and our most vulnerable and neglected populations, such as the elderly. It can also be great as you now show up as your character (avatar) and build a life you want, not a life based around the many society-based conditions the world’s people have made up. This avatar will also resemble you in so many ways, able to depict your character in real life in the virtual world.

Imagine your first job in the metaverse as an amusement park conductor. You’ll put your glasses on in the morning and get straight to work. Only this time, you might still be working from home or virtual office spaces.activities and exercises will go online. If you’re a fan, jump in now!
If not, that is okay - the trend will follow. However, the big fashion/auctions have already entered the game: Sotheby’s products and NFTs are readily available in the metaverse. Watch now: