Medical Intervention


My story

This was written by Karan Wadhwani without the use of AI

My story I know infants take many vaccines and boosters, but those have been tested upon bringing them to market and are proven not to cause side effects. I intend to share my truth; I have been silent for too many months. I felt uncomfortable, like I had lost control of our freedom. All I wanted was to continue my employment, pursue dreams and goals, make a difference to those around me and put some smiles on some faces (not masks). My freedoms and civil liberties were taken away just so we can keep employment. The truth is being hidden, and our actions as responsible citizens today will impact the future we live in tomorrow and for generations to come. Fundamental rights have been toyed with, and people have had no choice. We are being dehumanized, placing a “we versus us.” Always a label being associated with it. We must be conscious of our reality; we must be aware of our actions. I told the organization that my religious beliefs did not allow for this exeption; I told them my martial arts training had dwindled since the first impact; I told them I just wanted to continue to work. I just wanted to be able to attend nephew's second birthday. I just wanted to have some pho at a restaurant. I had to make a choice whether to inject myself, and then I had to literally to choose an injection., I felt like I was in Sophie’s Choice: be sentenced to the needle or reject it and be unable to function in society, or provide for my livelihood. I faced the impact of no availability of physicians to vouch for my own guru saying they had to comply, my family starting to question my actions and thoughts, and my parents not believing in my decision. This is what media does; this is what propaganda does. This is what I don’t stand for. Let me remind all: “Immunization” is not mandatory in Canada. All of which, to the nurse, please don’t judge people - by if they believe in science or not, and not by their color; remember, we all bleed red. Please know that religious exemptions are possible, and people know that in numbers, we can stand up. I stand up for you; I have felt this duress for the past year, and I am speaking my truth. I am young; I will withstand this impact, continue my routine, and continue with Ayurveda medicines and martial arts (sciences). I will continue not to support big pharma. Let me make this understanding clear, moving forward. I will not take any additional direction or unlawful instruction from my employer or those that impact my personal choice. GITA quote re-written: a human who understands is firmly established in being free from doubt, rejoices not in obtaining which is pleasant, and does not feel perturbed on meeting with the unpleasant; the knower of all lives eternal in the identity of the human.

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