The Art of Rejection


Rejection- paint the canvas- again and again

This was written by Karan Wadhwani without the use of AI

Rejection:paint the canvas, over and overagain.

Whether it'sby your top Ivy league school, your investors at an initial seed round, your top job employer, or by your book publisher, being rejected is not fun These are all valuable lessons that teach, in short, nothing comes easy. There are countless lessons learned through the Art of Rejection, and what does one learn through these encounters? They understand the ability to fall and keep walking, keep moving. Think about being a baby: when you learn to walk, you start crawling, then move to a few staggered steps, and before you know through verbal and a helping hand, your parents are super proud to see you walk your first steps. You still stumble and fall along the way, but you must strengthen; you must keep walking - that’s the only way you will reach your destination.It’s just, what outlook do we look at it from. So as common as it is, these are my hypotheses: when we fail repeatedly, or people don’t believe in us, this can only lead to 2 outcomes. We believe them. We show them, but the secret is that you are not showing them for them but doing it for yourself. Always do it for yourself. That is the key.