The Fluidity of Life


This one is for BRUCE- but also don’t forget that BALANCE Is not a static state.

This was written by Karan Wadhwani without the use of AI

The Fluidity of Life 2020-07-22

This one is for BRUCE - but also, don’t forget that BALANCE is not a static state. I’ve been too fixated on too many things lately, but I must be in balance-like Water, be fluid! Parts of these excerpts have been quoted and drafted with the book: Living in balance, a dynamic approach for creating harmony and wholeness in a chaotic world. We live in a self-regulated world. In a world that is nurtured around balance, yet we find so many of us out of balance. The earth is out of balance; we see that through the impacts it created back on us, by not only the energies we put out but through the repercussions we see every day. Lately, I have felt out of balance, constantly at the edge, or either extreme. I have been out of balance for a while now, and the effects are noticeable. We either want to work so hard or not at all. We want to strive for the next best but don’t know how to balance the current. This reminded me of Arriana Huffington’s (CEO)story of being so out of balance that her body had to break down . It was not visible to her, but her vital systems were out of balance. But please don’t let it get to that point; balance is so crucial that it can often lead to dis-ease what is dis-ease? Well, it is just the body in a state of DIS-EASE - being out of balance. So, what is out of balance? You have to find it for yourself. Overwork or underwork, are just little factors of imbalance; too much or not enough food is another example of imbalance; too much work and not enough play is again, an example of imbalance. Too much Instagram and not enough real people time is an example of imbalance. So how do you heal yourself from imbalance? How do you re-stabilize?key is to dance in its uncertainty and * also follow these tips below.* So, if balance is the natural state, how do we get back there? Consider this: the ocean has about 3.4% salinity (salt in the sea), and if it were to go to 4%, it would be a completely different place;if it were to rise to 6%, life forms would just deplete. The best part is that human beings and life forms constantly take from their surroundings to keep life sustained; we must continuously flow on many levels in this world. There is no one answer, but keep trekking and see what you can change and attain from the earth to change and be in balance. Life is a chemical system, an energy. I was never good at physics, but you don’t have to be; you have to look at the sciences around you in nature, get good water, and good food, keep it balanced, and you should be good at keeping a balance of greens and proteins in your diet.Don’t overdo the healthy food, remember to keep it in balance - do you ever watch the ted talk on the 70% healthy 30% anything else? Excerpt: “Our health and vitality reflect our ability to manage the change in our lives and how we assimilate it. However, we tend to forget that life's true nature is based on fluidity, interconnectedness, and mystery. To the degree that we live in a static, separate, controllable world, our confusion sets up frustration and suffering. As the rate of the world changes and with this COVID-19 pandemic, our harmony, health, sanity and safety are not able to not be in balance. Please remember: our ability to control the environment is limited - the wise ones above us have learned to stop exhausting themselves by trying to control the river of changes. Rather focus energy on creating physical, mental and emotional capabilities to harmonize with the surrounding world. I think the struggle here is that we forget and ignore the raw intensity and uncertainty of our actual experiences; they are only relative, not absolute, the way things are. Are you drawn to chaos? Set aside FEAR and ANXIETY. **Quote by– Dee Hock, Founder of Visa Card. ** “By chaord, I mean a self-organizing, adaptive, non-linear, complex community or system, whether physical, biological, or socialbehaviours exhibit characteristics of both order and chaos” - …charodic systems exist on the edge of chaos between the ordered and the chaotic region. Living systems are drawn to the edge of chaos because that is where lies the capacity of information processing and learning, and therefore, growth is maximized!” With the rise in technology, we are greatening our understanding of this, and insights tell us that we can live with faith and trust and set aside our fear and anxiety because we really do live in a universe that, at its deepest level, does not make sense and we cannot fully fathom it. We have struggled finding balance; we think waking up an hour early or cleaning our desks will help us. But not until we have a deeper understanding of balances as an inter-play of forces and energies. Balance is not a static state that we find once and for all through the perfect fine-tuning of our schedules. The dynamically active quality of living balances present a very different picture in which we must: **• Learn to listen to and trust our internal guidance systems • Notice whatever our senses offer song or sublet impression • Observe the inner movement, attitudes, direction and intention of our hearts and minds • Notice the dances and struggles at play in our relationships • Discover what feels right, true and on purpose in living your life. ** Here’s to balance and fluidity!