The Heart’s Rules,and how you must follow it. Don’t go against the heart


The Rules of the Heart

The Heart Rules, so you must follow it. Don’t go against the heart. The heart rules it all; when the heart is damaged, hurt or broken, it can cause a gamete of problems and the only person that can fix it is you. It can cause damage to it physically, emotionally and spiritually, leading it to deteriorate, and remember, it is the pumping life force in you. These strong emotions can affect your pre-frontal cortex and cause emotional responses, such as fear, anxiety and depression, so manage this. Over these past months, I don’t know about you, but many couples have broken up and divorced during the COVID epidemic. I don’t know what it was, maybe the job loss of individuals which led to realizations of them not wanting to be with their partner or the fear that they cannot see the potential long-term; maybe it’s the insecurities, the anxieties and the specific situations that people are in—perhaps it's just one’s inability to deal with their self. Don’t get me wrong - there is no judgement here. I understand that many individual situations will depend on their circumstances and time in life. The heart. Learn to exercise it (physically and emotionally - give something to someone- an old T-shirt to a friend, smile to the neighbour, a conversation to the grocery clerk. You will be surprised at how easily the heart can be satisfied. Try giving something to the world - this is the most significant way of achieving success. Try your job or occupation, building products, services, writing, or helping people. So why is the heart in pain sometimes? Don’t get me wrong, I know that pain or aches in the heart stretch it, and it does heal and make you stronger! I believe some factors involved are usually uncertainty and threat, in essence, “ the unknown, " which creates doubt. And again, if we look back at this pandemic, it may have brought to light so many independent situations and different experiences for all; for some, it heightened social anxiety, depression, and problems - and for some, the complete opposite. Some people got to work on their passions, accomplish much, spend time with their families, and work on what they want! (so it's all relative!) Just learn to manage it! Diving in a bit more: For some, it was the feeling of being stuck at home for more time than usual, and for many bachelor apartment dwellers, this can be brutal. Try to go outside to get a change of space and place to keep your heart physically and mentally active. But back to heart rules: Here are some rules I have put together based on my own advice: Rule 1: When it comes to the feeling of the heart, don’t expect anything, but compromise, show compassion, and think about the other person. Think in the light if you were this individual & remember to be patient; the heart grows with patience; take some time to let it sit, be with yourself, and reach out to others. You will see just how resilient you have in your heart and abilities. Rule 2:Think about the long-term for your heart; the moment you start thinking in the day-to-day, you’ve already got one foot out the door, and you minimize your ability to think about how the outside world is more interesting. You must invest in your relationship to make it stronger. Take a look at your criticism and downfalls of yourself and those around you, gain compassion and don’t forget that positivity and enthusiasm. Investing time and efforts into your heart and those relationships are essential! Rule 3:] Love/infatuation is an exciting emotion, and many times, people go into it not realizing that it has three dimensions: the love of the physical, the love of the emotional and the love of the spiritual. When infatuation is there, you are not a good judge of the feeling, and it will disappear. Often you don’t know if the feeling can be there forever (this is where doubt settles in and hinders the possibility of long-term compatibility.) You cannot grasp this when you are in that state, so ask your friends and family about this person and/or situation you are in, as they will not have that infatuation feeling. If thinking about long-term compatibility, can you go canoeing with this person? Can you speak truthfully with them? Can you see things from the other person's perspective when things are not going your way? Are you blaming the other person and not yourself?So whatever the situation might be, your heartaches, and you want it to get better! How exactly do you keep the heart fighting and work through your aches? I’m speaking from limited experience, but something crucial for me is keeping up with those three things: Number 1: daily, you must keep your physical in check, whether working out, going to the gym, or walking an hour a day (grounding). Just keep the rhythm going - that’s the key here, and I believe many people lose their rhythm when their heart aches, which causes more pain. Number 2: don’t let it break you down. Your psyche, mental, emotional intelligence, whatever you want to call it, is by far the most essential thing in the world. I see people with strong attitudes and mental powers able to make it and keep it strong till 100+ years old, so find something, find someone, talk about your concerns, and do things for your mental. From experience, after heartache, I regained my strength after four months of bad eating, bad habits, and flawed thinking; this sulking will get you more down and make you feel miserable. Do things like reading, finding a new skill, keep working at your craft, challenging yourself, taking up the arts, talking to people, and focusing on yourself, but know your next steps. If possible, mend the heartache: The Japanese have a practice; if a mug breaks, they will glue it back together with gold or nice colored glue (this sort of practice fixes, mends and shows more character to the mug. Similarly, if you can stick through it and do your best, sometimes, the situation is best not to make or keep amends, and I will let you judge that; gauge what is right for you. Number 3: Okay, this one is esoteric to some, but this is key for me because I was raised on itCall it faith, mind practice, spirituality, intention or visualization; call it whatever you want, but find something - find your way to be spiritual. Being spiritual can mean silence on your own, going into a holy place or just making time for your mind, allowing yourself to sit with your thoughts and heal. Remember, at the end of the day, you are your self’s best friend and or ENEMY. You decide. I could not be my enemy anymore; this life is valuable, and we don’t realize that when we go into a downward spiral. So I hope heartaches are not a problem for you, but remember you must love yourself first, then everything comes after. Once you become your best friend, you will be surprised how many people will want to be around you and how much love you truly have in your life (this can be family, friends, and so much more). Lastly, don’t forget about self-care; care for yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. Four months ago, I had a heartbreak (the first in a while), and while I look back at my shortcomings, I realize, today I am better than ever; I am working towards my physical, wealth, mental and spiritual goals. I have learned more skills, and I am better and better every day*, which is genuinely the motto to live by! So take your heartache head on, whatever that might be, your passions, your love for someone, something, whatever it may be, believe in yourself - you have to take it head-on. Be stable and sustain yourself; remember the saying: be cool, calm and collected by focusing on your emotional stability, abilities, and adaptability. We don’t know what the future holds, but we know it includes change, so don’t be reluctant to change in your life. Focus on your free will, desire, thoughts and feelings, but don’t forget that there are always so many impacts from the outside world; allow yourself to grow and flourish! In the end, doubt is the killer. Believe in yourself, and give yourself attention; it is the least you can do. And I can attest that these rules will help you along the way!