Toastmasters Speech #2
the how- to’s of speech.
This was written by Karan Wadhwani without the use of AI
I began writing this speech as speech # 6 – Vocal Variety. Based on its structure, I would like to use this speech #2. If the evaluator could help keep not of my competency and focus on vocal variety by using; Pace | Pitch | Power | Pauses Base on my own advice, I am going to tell you, some tips and tricks that I have learned in the area of speech, (Pause) I call these the how- to’s of speech.
I have learned the following 3 techniques through speech lessons. These are all very basic and are all tips and techniques which I was taught from an (SLP) Speech Language Pathologist – this is a medical professional who assists people with speech difficulty, to help them achieve better fluency. However, these tricks and tools are often used in lots of other voice-related industries and better yet use in delivering phenomenal speeches.
I am going to share with you some techniques that you may have heard before, some you may hear for the first time, and some, which you may even catch on the 6 pm news.
1st: a Soft start A softstart was first introduced to me as literally a (s)oft start. It focuses on pronouncing the slightest sound with the first letter of the word or sentence you are constructing. Some would almost see it as the opposite of a power start, where you would put a lot of emphasis on the first letter of your word. Soft starts can be of benefit when starting a speech, it can also be used for portraying emotion or a dramatic effect and can often be a good trick to catch your breathe.
2nd: A Pause A pause is literally what it sounds like….. AKWARD PAUSE INSERTED….. the pause provides emphasis as we have been reminded before. And it can also be a great way to catch your breath, but we will dive into that later. 3rd: Lastly, this is my personal favourite it’s known as Blending of the words – this is exactly what it sounds like. I would like you to imagine, you’re watching the evening news tonight, and as the broadcaster is speaking, imagine and try to analyze their rhythm, (are they speaking in a continuous motion, are the words being blended [together something like this.?]
Also, my favorite, because I like to speak in song and it allows for uninterrupted flow, and this is also an excellent skill while reading out-loud, or when practicing a speech.
4th: I know I said there were only three tips I wanted to pass on. However, there is one more I would like to pass on and this is the benefits of speaking, with the use of facial expressions. Before I wrap up I would like to tell you a little story about how I have learned how easy it can be and the values and benefits that come when using facial expressions to your benefit.
So here goes, this one is for good luck, or better yet, good-looks! Recently, I was fortunate to meet a world-renowned Opera Singer, by the name of Najla. Najla ( who is in her early 80’s) owns her own company called sing well, speak well- I was fortunate to be introduced to Najla to learn more about her life and business. In just a few hours Najla told me the tricks to the trade, she mentioned its all right here. KW Action: Point to the: (the nasal passage & continue to use the technique when reading this paragraph.
Najla expressed the importance of breathing from your naval and diaphragm. She discussed how it was so important to speak with our bodies and use as many expressions as possible (Especially when in song), by now as I am speaking you must be noticing a lot of facial movement especially my nose, this is all deliberate, and is just another way to communicate, by building these muscles, your body get used to speaking in this fashion.
Conclusion: With that I would like to thank you for your time and will please encourage everyone to try some of these techniques, to see if it might benefit from using the skills in an upcoming speech or personation. Encouraging everyone to constantly learn, and use your instrument, called your voice. [Last line: (Blending of the words) We have enough people who tell it like it is – (PACE) NOW WE COULD USE A Few) (Power) Who TELL IS LIKE IT CAN BE Robert Orben ( Magician and Comic)]