What do you know about addictions, what do you know about opioids.


addictions in Canada

I have been working in the industry for the last six months and let me tell you, this has been the most rewarding yet impactful job of my career, I am dealing with people, the untouchables some call it. But don’t forget, these are regular people, they are lifes, maybe they live in shelters, maybe they are having a hard time, maybe they have had a hard life, maybe they do not know the way to go, they do not know how to get out of this, well let me tell you something.

The STS Pharmacy goes a long way to help, they not only delivery meds, they care about their patients well-being. They literally want them to succeed, they are the backbone of these people. · They provide driving services · They provide food to patients · They coordinate drop off and pick ups for family events and much more ·

Now the Doctors, they just prescribe the dose to the patients (and patients have to get this daily dose scripted and prescribed to them each week), this allows them to continue on the program and receive the opioids for harm reduction, but this Pharmacy, they go a long way, I am so happy to have had the opportunity to work and provide this aid to the people around them, it has been a blessing.

Just don’t ever forget to breathe, and expand and contract those diaphragmatic muscles, because having a big belly, will let you live long. Fill the belly with goodness and air.

Working in an addictions clinic has been the best thing for me and opened my eyes to the abuse and mis-use of additions in substance, and in particular ( any substance out there).

Substance disorder or abuse is widely popular in the world, the question and the problem is when the substance has control over your ability to control it. So for some, its very important that they stay clear completely of this. And this can be for anything you are attached to, it comes down to the control of your senses.

This is one of the principles in the bhagwat geeta, the principal of: That joy which is derived from the contact of the senses with their objects, at first is like nectar and is like poison in the end, such happiness is said to be Rajasic. – Rajasic meaning; denoting a class of foods that are bitter, sour , salty, pungent, hot or dry and are thought to promote sensuality, greed, jealousy, anger, delusion and irreligious feelings.